Join the guild
We invite you to join a network of evangelists and innovators in the Catholic Church.
Our members (or ‘Ransomers’, as they are historically named) have been at the heart of The Guild since its inception in the 19th century.
Become part of a growing network of innovators and evangelists in the Catholic Church.
Receive exclusive stories from beneficiaries of The Guild.
Receive invitations to our annual pilgrimage, lectures, and more.
Meet fellow Ransomers at networking events.
Apply for Dowry grants for projects you are working on.
Join us at our annual business meeting.
Share your email address.
Complete the application form that will land in your email inbox.
Enjoy the benefits on being a member of The Guild of Our Lady of Ransom.
Pray for the work and objectives of The Guild.
Share the work of The Guild with others.
Make a regular financial contribution to The Guild. (If you cannot afford to donate, you can still become a member.)
Offer specific intentions when celebrating Mass (priests only).